In the current era, e-Governance has emerged as a most prominent tool for strengthening democracy...
This contributed volume presents an attempt to understand climatic variability and induced risk t...
In this work, experiments have been performed on different geometries and shapes of Savonius roto...
Football is played between two teams opposing each other in the world today. Each team consists o...
This contributed volume presents an attempt to understand climatic variability and induced ris...
Dans le monde de la technologie, qui évolue rapidement, la capacité à automatiser les tâches et l...
V bystro razwiwaüschemsq mire tehnologij sposobnost' awtomatizirowat' zadachi i processy stanowit...
In the rapidly evolving world of technology, the ability to automate tasks and processes is becom...
In der sich schnell entwickelnden Welt der Technologie wird die Fähigkeit, Aufgaben und Prozesse ...
No mundo da tecnologia em rápida evolução, a capacidade de automatizar tarefas e processos está a...
Nel mondo della tecnologia in rapida evoluzione, la capacità di automatizzare compiti e processi ...
En el mundo de la tecnología, en rápida evolución, la capacidad de automatizar tareas y procesos ...