CEO Adrian Rose Dawson provides her clients with perfect dates, dance partners, and tennis oppone...
The Kaius vampires have long relied on Mikhail's empathic skills to help maintain the peace. Ince...
Vampire Nichol Kaius is in control. The reluctant de facto leader of the powerful Kaius haunt, he...
Vampire Louis Forbes is a loner, content to survive without ties, without a family, or the burden...
Soft-hearted medic Harper Strauss is a pro-vamp supporter living in the Canadian heart of the ant...
Vampire Dominic Kaius is a cleaner, collecting humans others leave behind and bringing them into ...
For Bianca Schumann, a Former Tender and esteemed mediator in vampire society, straddling the hum...
Rhys Kaius was chosen and groomed to be the perfect vampire: Resourceful, remorseless, and unscru...