In this long-awaited collection of short fiction by the author of Mariana and Our Lady of the Art...
Drawing on the mythology of the Green Man and the power of nature, Neil Gaiman, Jane Yolen, and o...
This “wondrous” collection of fantasy tales from Neil Gaiman, Patricia A. McKillip, a...
Winner of the 1997 Drue Heinz Literature Prize, Fado and Other Stories is filled with narr...
Stories of the archetypal Trickster from Michael Cadnum, Charles de Lint, Patricia A. McKill...
In this long-awaited collection of short fiction by the author of Mariana and Our Lady of the Art...
The stories in this prize-winning collection evoke a complete world, one so richly imagined and f...
Winner of the 1997 Drue Heinz Literature Prize, Fado and Other Stories is filled with narrative a...
An irresistible and sweeping love story that follows two Portuguese refugees who flee religious v...
'John Alves, son of a famous Presbyterian martyr on the Portuguese island of Madeira, spends his ...
An irresistible and sweeping love story that follows two Portuguese refugees who flee religious v...