In Kate Watterson's thrilling suspense novel Frozen, a small town detective races to catch a seri...
Kate Watterson continues Ellie MacIntosh's story in Buried. Two cases vie for Detective Ellie Mac...
It's the hottest summer on record. The streets are shimmering, walking outside is like walking in...
Blending mystery and romance, Kate Watterson's Fractured finds Detective Ellie MacIntosh racing t...
The author of Fractured delivers the next sizzling thriller in the series featuring "e;fascin...
A young woman encounters the killer she accused years earlier—and finds herself drawn back into a...
Blending mystery and romance, Kate Watterson's Fractured finds Detective Ellie MacIntosh racing t...
Milwaukee homicide detective Ellie MacIntosh is called to an arson scene. She finds bewildered ho...
Three friends with secrets.One luxurious lake house vacation.A killer on the loose.Lauren, Dre...
No motive.No weapon.No confession.One suspect.It isn't every day that Detective Chris Bailey is h...
A killer with a dangerous obsession. Three young women shot to death. Each victim with one shoe m...
What secrets hide behind these crumbling walls?Ivy Manor is every realtor's nightmare. A derelict...