This bundle presents the entire Quest Biography series of thirty-five volumes in a special collec...
Presenting ten titles in the Quest Biography series that profiles prominent figures in Canada's h...
This bundle of titles in the Quest Biography series presents the lives of three influential Canad...
Carr defied convention by choosing art over marriage. Considered an eccentric by her contempor...
This bundle of titles in the Quest Biography series entertainingly presents a variety of influent...
As a child she was "e;contrary,"e;as a young woman she defied convention to choose art ov...
As a child she was 'contrary,'as a young woman she defied convention to choose art over marriage,...
Kate Braid has been powerfully attracted to Emily Carr--as a woman of great courage and persevera...
Since women started working in the trades in the 1970s, very little has been published about thei...
In 1930, Emily Carr met Georgia OKeeffe at an exhibition of OKeeffes paintings in New York. Inspi...
A striking and masterful volume of poems that offers insight into Glenn Gould's brilliance.
Covering Rough Ground, Kate Braid's first book, was published in 1991 and awarded the Pat Lo...