This book presents the use of a microprocessor-based digital system in our daily life. Its bottom...
This book presents the use of a microprocessor-based digital system in our daily life. Its bottom...
Islamic tourism is an increasingly important market sector. This book provides practical applicat...
In diesem Buch geht es um Cyber-Kriminalität, Social-Media-Sucht und COVID-Fälle in Amerika. Cybe...
The aim of the study is to identify and understand the key factors of branded clothing which infl...
This study investigates the Small and a medium enterprise (SME) sector in Pakistan and identifies...
Este livro é sobre crimes cibernéticos, dependência das mídias sociais e casos de COVID na Améric...
This book is bout cyber-crime, social media addiction, and COVID cases in America. Cyber-crime is...
This book is all about positive and negative effects of COVID-19 and the role of biotechnology co...
Questo libro riguarda la criminalità informatica, la dipendenza dai social media e i casi di COVI...
Ce livre traite de la cybercriminalité, de la dépendance aux médias sociaux et des cas de COVID e...
Dit boek gaat over cybercriminaliteit, sociale-mediaverslaving en COVID-zaken in Amerika. Cybercr...