Die Klimakrise betrifft uns alle - Doch wie kann ein klimafreundliches Leben für alle errei...
War der Semmering an der Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert mondäner Hotspot der High Society, ger...
The recent past has seen a rise in litigation seeking to hold specific private and public actors ...
Dürresommer 2003, Hochwasser 2002, Lawinenwinter 1999 2000, Wintersturm Lothar 1999: Vier zent...
This volume deals with the multifaceted and interdependent impacts of climate change on society f...
Even though the interlinkage between trade and environment is obvious and important, it has been ...
Die Einführung von CO2- und Umweltsteuern zur Erreichung der Pariser Klimaziele ist aktuell in al...
Wie erreichen wir die Pariser Klimaziele?
This volume deals with the multifaceted and interdependent impacts of climate change on society f...
Even though the interlinkage between trade and environment is obvious and important, it has been ...