Zweiteilige TV-Biografie um den Aufstieg der Familie Jackson in das Showgeschäft. Geschildert wir...
The Black Sea region rarely hit the media headlines until the outbreak of war in Georgia in 2008,...
The Black Sea region rarely hit the media headlines until the outbreak of war in Georgia in 2008,...
Cara is nursing a broken heart. Her life has just been turned upside down. Her heart aches a phys...
Jade's life's changes when her best friend falls pregnant. One shotgun wedding later and a rugged...
Five women, each with their own tribulation, walk through life with their dreams that mean everyt...
Wishes are granted, but only for those that come from the heart.On this assignment, there are fiv...
Lauren Gabriel lässt in Boston alles hinter sich, um ein neues Kapitel in ihrem Leben und ihrer K...
Magical Manifestor Karen Weaver has created an everyday planner for those wanting to enjoy the es...
Science Fiction Curriculum, Cyborg Teachers, and Youth Culture(s) is a collection of essay...
Sometimes things happen to test us, it's only if we pass the test do wereceive the true gift. The...