In the years since independence, the Indian subcontinent has witnessed an alarming rise in vio...
In the years since independence, the Indian subcontinent has witnessed an alarming rise in vio...
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a mass exodus of India's migrant workers from the cities back t...
This book tracks the trajectory of gender in the social sciences and humanities through an explor...
This book tracks the trajectory of gender in the social sciences and humanities through an explor...
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a mass exodus of India's migrant workers from the cities back t...
Routledge Readings on Law, Development and Legal Pluralism presents some of the finest essays on ...
Routledge Readings on Law and Social Justice: Dispossessions, Marginalities, Rights presents some...
Routledge Readings on Law and Social Justice: Dispossessions, Marginalities, Rights presents some...
Routledge Readings on Law, Development and Legal Pluralism presents some of the finest essays on ...
This collection of essays examines the racialized and gendered effects of contemporary politics o...
In the years since independence, the Indian subcontinent has witnessed an alarming rise in violen...