This evidence-based manual highlights the early management of acutely injured trauma victims arri...
This evidence-based manual highlights the early management of acutely injured trauma victims arri...
L'objectif principal de notre projet était de formuler et de caractériser les sprays buccaux à la...
Das Hauptziel unseres Projekts war die Formulierung und Charakterisierung von Nikotin-Mundsprays....
O principal objetivo do nosso projeto era formular e caraterizar sprays bucais de nicotina. Milhõ...
El objetivo principal de nuestro proyecto era formular y caracterizar los aerosoles bucales de ni...
The main aim of our project was to formulate and characterize nicotine mouth sprays. Millions o f...
L'obiettivo principale del nostro progetto è stato quello di formulare e caratterizzare spray per...
This evidence-based manual highlights the early management of acutely injured trauma victims arri...