Liebende & LesendeWas uns vor allem an der Liebe berührt, ist ihre Vergänglichkeit. Vom Su...
New York in den Fünfziger Jahren. Die junge Joyce kehrt ihrem bürgerlichen Elternhaus den Rücken ...
Kurz nach ihrer ersten Begegnung mit dem Zahnarzt Hervé (Henri Vidal), ist Virginie (Brigitte Bar...
Im Kinderspiel Finde Maxi! suchen Kinder bei einer Schnitzeljagd durchs Haus den frechen Hund Max...
'Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road and t...
'I regret to see that my book has turned out un fiasco solenne'James Joyce's disillusion ...
The balanced way to learn about fluids and electrolytes Need a solid foundation in fluids and ele...
From pre- to post-birth, here's everything you need to know about the nursing care of mother, chi...
'I regret to see that my book has turned out un fiasco solenne'James Joyce's disillusion with t...
'Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road and t...
The award-winning author ofMinor Characterswrites with delicious transparency about a love that c...
The daring debut of the Beat Generation's first woman novelistIt's 1955. Seven days before her gr...