Christopher Deeming and Paul Smyth together with internationally renowned contributors propose th...
Christopher Deeming and Paul Smyth together with internationally renowned contributors propose th...
What do experts envision as the largest technology-based challenges the U.S. Joint Force could co...
Scientific and technological competition has emerged as a front on which strategic competition be...
The authors explore approaches for understanding, inventorying, and modeling cyber security impli...
This report uses the inventions of Lemelson-MIT Prize winners as examples to illustrate the scien...
Mosaic Warfare envisions more fractionated, heterogeneous forces, dynamically composed on tactica...
This report presents the findings of a review of two military standards that have enabled signifi...
'The U.S. government has identified quantum technology as important for future U.S. economic pros...
RAND researchers developed a net technical assessment methodology for a given technology area des...
The authors identify promising advanced training-technology investments and how the U.S. Departme...