A wrenching psychological thriller in the vein of Tana French's In the Woods, Jon Bassoff's Benea...
From critically acclaimed author Jon Bassoff, The Memory Ward is a haunting Russian doll of a nov...
From critically acclaimed author Jon Bassoff, The Memory Ward is a haunting Russian doll of a nov...
¿¿'Jon Bassoff's nightmarish bizarro novel Captain Clive's Dreamworld reads like an extended epis...
A mysterious Iraq war veteran with a horribly scarred face...A disturbed young man in a strange m...
Frankie Avicious is a hard-luck fellow with a sordid past. Living in a dreary meatpacking town, s...
The year is 1953. Disgraced in the psychiatric hospital where he'd practiced for nearly thirty ye...
Russell Carver, an enigmatic and tortured man in search of a young girl gone missing, has come to...
A man wakes to find himself below ground in the abandoned subway stations of New York City. He ha...
Shortly after her brother, Stormy, is convicted of the brutal murder of a classmate, seventeen-ye...
Seventeen stories screaming past the red line, tires tearing across the highway, guns stained wit...
Holt Davidson, a Kansas firefighter, hasn't been back to his hometown of Thompsonville, Colorado,...