This is a collection of papers by participants at High Dimensional Probability VI Meeting held fr...
This book tries to do three things. The first goal is to give an exposition of certain modes of s...
High dimensional probability, in the sense that encompasses the topics rep- resented in this volu...
The title High Dimensional Probability is an attempt to describe the many trib- utaries of resear...
This book provides an account of weak convergence theory, empirical processes, and their applicat...
The title High Dimensional Probability is an attempt to describe the many trib utaries of researc...
The title High Dimensional Probability is an attempt to describe the many trib utaries of researc...
This book is about estimation in situations where we believe we have enough knowledge to model so...
High dimensional probability, in the sense that encompasses the topics rep resented in this volum...
This is a collection of papers by participants at High Dimensional Probability VI Meeting held...
This is a collection of papers by participants at High Dimensional Probability VI Meeting held...
This book provides an account of weak convergence theory, empirical processes, and their applicat...