This extraordinary story unfolds in the dim streets of Victorian London's notorious East End.Po...
Into a complex international scenario of espionage, intrigue and assassination are thrown a mixed...
Into a complex international scenario of espionage, intrigue and assassination are thrown a mixed...
This extraordinary story unfolds in the dim streets of Victorian London's notorious East End.Po...
This book is a core introductory text to the subject of toxicology and the use of toxicological i...
One of the most profound events in sixteenth-century North America was a ferocious battle between...
In 1733, General James Edward Oglethorpe officially established the colony of Georgia, and within...
A seamless social history of the native peoples of the American South, bridging prehistory and hi...
Forging Southeastern Identities: Social Archaeology and Ethnohistory of the Mississippian to Earl...
Fundamental Toxicology is a comprehensive review of toxicology. It is based on the highly success...
New interpretations of the ways in which early modern French literature was influenced by, and re...
This book is a core introductory text to the subject of toxicology and the use of toxicological i...