This collection examines the allusions to the Elijah- Elisha narrative in the gospel of Luke. The...
This book studies comparisons and possible trajectories between three 'catholic' epistles, and tr...
Virtually all scholars agree that apocalyptic and millenarianism formed at least part of the matr...
Based upon a series of detailed case studies of associations such as early synagogues and churche...
The letters of James, 1 and 2 Peter, and Jude are among the most neglected letters of the New Tes...
Based upon a series of detailed case studies of associations such as early synagogues and churche...
Apocalyptic Aspects of the Sayings Source Q and the “Parting of the Ways” between Jews and Christ...
The Sayings Source Q in its sociological and archaeological context
Private associations organized around a common cult, profession, ethnic identity, neighbourhoo...
Who do we meet in the stories Jesus told? In The Parables of Jesus the Galilean: Stories of a Soc...
A groundbreaking investigation of early Christ groups in the ancient Mediterranean As an urban mo...
This volume addresses the Synoptic Problem and how it emerged in a historical context closely con...