Rückenschmerzen vorbeugen und die Körpermitte stärken durch das richtige Psoas Traini...
The Concise Book of Yoga Anatomy is the definitive guide to the study of yoga anatomy--a perfect ...
Located deep within the anterior hip joint and lower spine, the psoas major (usually just referre...
El psoas, musculo vital profundiza en el musculo esqueletico mas importante y maltratado del cuer...
MnM's is a book about muscles and movement, written for anyone interested in learning about the h...
MnM's is a book about muscles and movement, written for anyone interested in learning about the h...
The Vital Psoas Muscle presents an in-depth look at the most important yet abused skeletal muscle...
The Concise Book of Yoga Anatomy is the definitive guide to the study of yoga anatomy--a perfect ...
Awareness of movement potential,' says author Jo Ann Staugaard-Jones, 'is key to a healthy body a...