Spanning the Crusades, the Indian Raj, and the postwar decline of the British Empire, Homer s Tur...
Roman Disasters looks at how the Romans coped with, thoughtabout, andused disasters for their...
At last, a clear manual for managing slaves the Roman way. In How to Manage Your Slaves, Marcus S...
Ideas in Profile: Small Introductions to Big TopicsThis introduction to the ancient world, part o...
A seventeenth-century English traveler to the Eastern Mediterranean would have faced a problem in...
At last the Roman self-help book the world has been waiting for. Marcus Sidonius Falx sets out th...
Roman Disasters looks at how the Romans coped with, thoughtabout, andused disasters for their...
A scholar explores the history of slavery in Ancient Rome using a fictional story as a backdrop.M...
Learn the secrets to conquering the world like a Caesar: “A fun concept and an entertaining...
The ancient world used the senses to express an enormous range of cultural meanings. Indeed the s...
In ancient times, the Roman games-that heady cocktail of mass slaughter, gladiatorial combat, and...