Three years after the publication of the groundbreaking Asian American comics anthologySe...
Over the last two decades, there has been increased interest in the distribution of crime and oth...
The 6-volume set LNAI 14645-14650 constitutes the proceedings of the 28th Pacific-Asia Confe...
This Springer Brief provides a new approach to prevent user spoofing by using the physical proper...
Over the last two decades, there has been increased interest in the distribution of crime and oth...
Conceptual Calculus, initially written as an AP Calculus Grand Review, reorients the focus of cal...
3D Bioprinting in Tissue and Organ Regeneration covers state-of-the-art advances and applications...
The book presents the proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligen...
The book presents the proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligen...
The 6-volume set LNAI 14645-14650 constitutes the proceedings of the 28th Pacific-Asia Confe...
The 6-volume set LNAI 14645-14650 constitutes the proceedings of the 28th Pacific-Asia Confe...