Als Uma (Emma Roberts) allein auf einer exotischen Insel namens 'Paradise' aufwacht, ahnt sie sch...
Trade unions have repeatedly been challenged by neoliberal programmes implemented within Member S...
Tracing developments in British trade union structure over almost 100 years with specific referen...
Tracing developments in British trade union structure over almost 100 years with specific referen...
The creation of European Works Councils is arguably the most important measure taken in global...
The creation of European Works Councils is arguably the most important measure taken in global...
Board Level Employee Representation in Europe analyses the role, activities and netwo...
Board Level Employee Representation in Europe analyses the role, activities and netwo...
This comprehensive volume assesses the relationship between legal rights and disability and the e...
Trade unions in Europe are currently facing a series of challenges that stem from changes to regu...
Trade unions in Europe are currently facing a series of challenges that stem from changes to regu...
It is often assumed that employee representatives exert power at the company board, but it is rar...