This is a comprehensive resource of original essays by leading thinkers exploring the newly emerg...
In Moody Minds Distempered philosopher Jennifer Radden assembles several decades of her research ...
The context for this interdisciplinary work by a philosopher and a clinician is the psychiatric c...
Delusions play a fundamental role in the history of psychology, philosophy and culture, dividing ...
Spanning 24 centuries, this anthology collects over thirty selections of important Western writin...
Discussions of key ethical dilemmas in mental health care, including consent, trauma and violence...
The context for this interdisciplinary work by a philosopher and a clinician is the psychiatric c...
This is a comprehensive resource of original essays by leading thinkers exploring the newly emerg...
Spanning 24 centuries, this anthology collects over thirty selections of important Western writin...
Delusions play a fundamental role in the history of psychology, philosophy and culture, dividi...
Delusions play a fundamental role in the history of psychology, philosophy and culture, dividi...
Jennifer Radden here provides a re-interpretation of the classic text by 17th century scholar Rob...