An audacious transformation in prose of fourteen Modernist filmsFrom film to film, Jeffrey DeShel...
On the surface a murder mystery a detective s search for the killer of five people in Denver Expe...
Novel, memoir, and anti-memoir, The Trouble with Being Born depicts the lives of Frances and Joe,...
A crime novel loosely based on the masses and songs of the 17th century Flemish composer Pierre d...
Porgy and Bess is both artfully daring and morally engaging, a wonderful instance of 'passionate ...
DeShell is a daring, intelligent, hard-eyed, and tenderhearted writer, all of which is abundantly...
On the surface a murder mystery--a detective's search for the killer of five people in Denver--Ex...
A fierce portrait of memory, family, and regret'The Trouble with Being Born' is a stark meditatio...
Collects the original fiction of newly discovered writers, but also the award winning work of not...
This exceptional book presents a series of never-before-seen images by artist Marco Breuer. Colle...
Jeffrey DeShell's 'Arthouse' is an audacious transformation in prose of fourteen Modernist films.