The Routledge Companion to Crime Fiction is a comprehensive introduction to crime fiction and cri...
During the next two decades, the number of older workers in the U.S. will nearly double. This bul...
Sherlock Holmes is the most famous fictional detective in history, with a popularity that has nev...
Sherlock Holmes is the most famous fictional detective in history, with a popularity that has nev...
For over two decades, Clues has included the best scholarship on mystery and detective fiction. W...
The Routledge Companion to Crime Fiction is a comprehensive introduction to crime fiction and cri...
Accessible exploration of Sherlock Holmes and his relationship to late-Victorian culture as well ...
With its sustained social criticism and complex construction, Charles Dickens's Bleak House (1853...
Accessible exploration of Sherlock Holmes and his relationship to late-Victorian culture as well ...
This sourcebook illuminates the crucial connections between contexts, interpretations and the tex...
The Routledge Companion to Crime Fiction is a comprehensive introduction to crime fiction and cri...