Kakuei Tanaka was the most powerful politician in Japan for nearly two decades, and his followers...
Kakuei Tanaka was the most powerful politician in Japan for nearly two decades, and his followers...
A cutting edge and cross-disciplinary exploration of the broad field of Japanese Studies. An inte...
A welcome addition to any reading list for those interested in contemporary Japanese society.- ...
In the first bilingual work on the reptiles and amphibians of the USMexico border, top herpetolog...
The sequel toCrosscurrents, which Library Journal hailed as one of the best fl...
One of the most eccentric and riveting voices to be heard in the world of fly fishing has his say...
The inimitable author of the hugely popular Crosscurrents and River Music, whom Kirkus called &qu...
Have you ever been so passionate about something that it occupies your every waking moment? In hi...
North America has had a 400-year love affair with the brook trout - Salvelinus fontinalis- its gr...
This unique volume is a compendium of scientific contributions inspired by the work of Alex Dalga...