Over the last decade, the United States' position as the world's most powerful state has appeared...
Over the last decade, the United States' position as the world's most powerful state has appeared...
An epic history of the formation of American capitalism, focusing on gender, race and Empire.
An epic history of the formation of American capitalism, focusing on gender, race and Empire.
This book provides a multifaceted and spatially oriented analysis of how China’s re-emergence as ...
Over the last two decades, China has emerged as one of the most powerful state actors in the post...
Has America always been capitalist? Today, the US sees itself as the heartland of the internation...
This book brings together scholars from international relations, economics, history, sociology an...
Has America always been capitalist? Today, the US sees itself as the heartland of the internation...
This book brings together scholars from international relations, economics, history, sociology an...