Despite its apparently peripheral location in the Qajar Empire, Kirman was frequently found at th...
Despite its apparently peripheral location in the Qajar Empire, Kirman was frequently found at th...
Fisheries genetics researchers will find invaluable the thirty-eight peer-reviewed contributions ...
The history of antibiotics may weIl have begun with the ancient Sudanese-Nubian civilization (see...
Volume 25 of 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era investigates the...
Contrasting two Protestant justices who hold distinctively different worldviews, Chief Just...
Integrating psychotherapy with psychoanalysis and philosophy, this text offers therapists a way t...
Integrating psychotherapy with psychoanalysis and philosophy, this text offers therapists a way t...
Volume 29 features articles onAnton Reiser; the legacies of German romanticism; Goethe's m...
Volume 25 of 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era investigates the...