Spanning two volumes of approximately 450 entries in an A-to-Z format, this encyclopedia explores...
In A-to-Z format and spanning two volumes of 450 entries, this encyclopedia covers all aspects of...
This book offers a transnational and transdisciplinary investigation of violence, ran...
How do former enemies reconcile after civil wars? Do they ever really reconcile in any complete s...
How do former enemies reconcile after civil wars? Do they ever really reconcile in any complete s...
This A-Z encyclopedia provides a broad and evenhanded overview of America's complex relationship ...
This A-Z encyclopedia provides a broad and evenhanded overview of America's complex relationship ...
This comprehensive Research Handbook places the study of hate and hate crimes into historic and c...
With findings based on rich survey data from 1,500 Americans and 1,500 Finns, this deeply insight...
This book offers a transnational and transdisciplinary investigation of violence, ranging from bu...
This book offers a transnational and transdisciplinary investigation of violence, ranging from bu...
Regional Intergovernmental Organizations (REIGOs) have increased in number and importance since W...