Meet Sama, a 10-year-old boy who is so sad that tears have literally stained his cheeks. Sama's f...
Will Sama find the Sugar Stone, or will the Cloud prevent him from finding what his father needs?...
After meeting the never-before-seen Doozer colony of Crystal Cave, the Fraggles may need a little...
Deep in the Crystal Cave the Fraggles find...Doozers?! Gobo, Red, and the rest of the gang meet a...
WHY BOOM! LOVES IT: Our FRAGGLE ROCK anthologies were the first comics we published with our frie...
The Fraggles' journey has led them to the mysterious Crystal Caves where creatures of all shapes ...
Meet Sama, a 10-year-old boy who is so sad that tears have literally stained his cheeks. Sama's f...
The second book in a manga adventure series about a young boy who travels through a portal in his...
“This fantasy manga presents the right mix of familiar tropes along with new ideas that sho...
The second book in a manga adventure series about a young boy who travels through a portal in his...
Return to the Jim Henson's world of Fraggles, Doozers, and Gorgs with an all new story set in bel...
When the water supply of Fraggle Rock mysteriously runs dry, the Fraggles will have to go on thei...