In this fourth book in the Ella and Owen series, the dragon siblings run up against an evil pumpk...
A young dragon named Ella convinces her twin brother Owen to join her on a bold quest to find a w...
Ella and her twin brother Owen head out on a new adventure in search of special ingredients to ma...
A young dragon named Ella convinces her twin brother Owen to join her on a bold quest to find a w...
In their latest adventure, the dragon siblings run up against an evil pumpkin king, a hungry spid...
In their latest adventure, the dragon siblings run up against an evil pumpkin king, a hungry spid...
'Twin dragons Ella and and Owen are on the wrong side of Fright Mountain-- the side where there a...
'Twin dragons Ella and and Owen are on the wrong side of Fright Mountain-- the side where there a...
The dwarves think Ella and Owen are spying on them for the elves, and the elves think the twins a...
Twins Ella and Owen have been captured by two giant trolls! In order to escape, they have to gran...
In book 6 of the Ella and Owen series, the twins find themselves caught in a muddy battle between...
In order to escape from giant trolls, Ella and Owen must grant their wish for puppies, but all th...