In recent years, nanocomposites have captured and held the attention and imagination of scientist...
Les méditants débutants et expérimentés apprécieront aussi l’enseignement contre-intuitif d’Ajaya...
In 1996 meditation teacher Ajayan Borys journeyed to the source of the Ganges River high in India...
Beginners and long-term meditators alike will welcome Ajayan Borys’s counterintuitive teaching th...
This book focusses on III-V high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) including basic physics, m...
This book focusses on III-V high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) including basic physics, m...
This book covers the fundamentals and significance of 2-D materials and related semiconductor tra...
This book covers the fundamentals and significance of 2-D materials and related semiconductor tra...
This book serves as a quick guide on the latest material systems including their synthesis, fabri...
This book covers a comprehensive range of topics on the physical mechanisms of LEDs (light emitti...
This book covers a comprehensive range of topics on the physical mechanisms of LEDs (light emitti...
The book discusses the materials, devices, and methodologies that can be used for energy harvesti...