Throughout the 20th century, Egyptian nationalism has alternately revolved around three primary a...
This collection of ten essays focuses on the way major schools and individuals have narrated hist...
Confronting Fascism in Egypt offers an in-depth examination of the response of Egyptian ci...
The emergence of nationalism redefined Egyptian identity. This book shows how the growth of an ur...
The emergence of nationalism redefined Egyptian identity. This book shows how the growth of an ur...
Israel Gershoni and Amy Singer teach modern Middle East history and Ottoman history, respectively...
Confronting Fascism in Egypt offers an in-depth examination of the response of Egyptian civil soc...
Confronting Fascism in Egypt offers an in-depth examination of the response of Egyptian civil soc...
This is the third installment of a series that grew out of the December 1991 Workshop on Cultural...
This is the second installment of a series that grew out of the December 1991 Workshop on Cultura...