Orphaned at a young age, Rachel is left penniless and alone in the streets of turn-of-the-century...
Set in the 1930s, this stand-alone sequel to MARY'S CHILD follows the fortunes of Chrissie Ballan...
This comprehensive guide covers everything from the symptoms and diagnosis of dementia to communi...
Alison Grant is just five when her father is sent to prison for murder. Taunted at school for b...
From nineteenth-century black nationalist writer Martin Delany through the rise of Jim Crow, the ...
WORLDBUILDING: Gaming and Art in the Digital Age examines the relationship between gaming and tim...
WORLDBUILDING: Videospiele und Kunst im digitalen Zeitalter untersucht die Beziehung zwischen Gam...
WORLDBUILDING: Gaming and Art in the Digital Age examines the relationship between gaming and tim...