Ingolf Bernhardt wuchs in der DDR auf. Nach dem Abitur studierte er an der Moskauer Lomonossow-Un...
Ingolf Bernhardt grew up in the GDR. After graduating from high school, he studied physics at the...
Ingolf Bernhardt studierte Physik an der Lomonossow-Universität in Moskau und spezialisierte sich...
The red cell has been a focus for scientific and medical investigation since the ear- liest times...
Ingolf Bernhardt studied physics at the Lomonosov University in Moscow and specialised in the fie...
The red cell has been a focus for scientific and medical investigation since the ear liest times....
The red cell has been a focus for scientific and medical investigation since the ear liest times....
Das Buch vermittelt dem Leser ein allgemeines Verständnis der Elixiere Wasser und Blut. Darüber h...