Jüdische Intellektuelle prägten das Denken des 20. Jahrhunderts tiefgreifend, darunter Walter Ben...
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A classic treatise, available now for the first time in paperback, on the folk beliefs of the ...
This book explores the phenomenon of Saturnism, namely the belief that the planet Saturn, the sev...
This sweeping survey of the history of Kabbalah in Italy represents a major contribution from one...
Mircea Eliade: From Magic to Myth addresses a series of topics that have been neglected in schola...
Ce au in comun un vechi zeu pagan, o planeta, o figura mesianica de la inceputurile epocii modern...
Jüdische Intellektuelle prägten das Denken des 20. Jahrhunderts tiefgreifend, darunter Walter Ben...
Cărțile ce i-au fost dedicate lui Mircea Eliade în Occident, atât înainte, cât și după prăbuși...
Verständnis und Deutung des Alten Testaments im Mittelalter bei den repräsentativen jüdischen und...
In noua sa carte, eminentul cercetator al Cabalei Moshe Idel trateaza continuturile unor texte ca...