The world is a dirty place and getting dirtier all the time. The reasons for this ever-increasing...
Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union almost a decade ago, there has been rapid evolution of ...
There has long been interest in the flow of fluids through permeable aqui- fers. Stratigraphic tr...
Economic Risk in Hydrocarbon Exploration provides a total framework for assessing the uncertainti...
Salt and Sediment Dynamics presents a thorough treatment of salt and sediment interactions and th...
Salt and Sediment Dynamics presents a thorough treatment of salt and sediment interactions and th...
Isotope Chronostratigraphy: Theory and Methods covers the concept of isotope chronostratigraphy. ...
Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union almost a decade ago, there has been rapid evolution of ...
There has long been interest in the flow of fluids through permeable aqui fers. Stratigraphic tra...
There has long been interest in the flow of fluids through permeable aqui fers. Stratigraphic tra...
Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union almost a decade ago, there has been rapid evolution of ...
The world is a dirty place and getting dirtier all the time. The reasons for this ever-increasing...