Bob kehrt nach vielen Jahren zu seiner Familie zurück, um sich mit seiner Tochter Eva zu versöhne...
In 1925, J. B. Collip (1925) reported that extracts of parathyroid gland contained an activity th...
A truly comprehensive reference for the management of patients with endocrine cancer The new edit...
Taking a break from the action-adventure tales that were his forte, Scottish writer Ian Hay prese...
As the title of this exciting action-adventure tale suggests, hero Hughie Marrable is indeed a ma...
Teacher turned writer Ian Hay scored a major bestseller with this moving account of his experienc...
Though he later went on to find his niche as a writer of wartime action-adventure novels, "e;...
In his breakthrough bestseller, The First Hundred Thousand, author Ian Hay brought humor and wit ...
As the title of this exciting action-adventure tale suggests, hero Hughie Marrable is indeed a ma...
Though he later went on to find his niche as a writer of wartime action-adventure novels, "e;...
Taking a break from the action-adventure tales that were his forte, Scottish writer Ian Hay prese...