Speech--to--Speech Translation: a Massively ParallelMemory-Based Approach describes one of the ...
An overview of the methodologies and techniques of the emerging field of systems biology.The emer...
Big data, genomics, and quantitative approaches to network-based analysis are combining to advanc...
This book is the third official archival publication devoted to RoboCup and documents the achieve...
RoboCup is an international initiative devoted to advancing the state of the art in artificial in...
Speech--to--Speech Translation: a Massively ParallelMemory-Based Approach des...
This book is the third official archival publication devoted to RoboCup and documents the achieve...
RoboCup is an international initiative devoted to advancing the state of the art in artificial in...
RoboCup is an international initiative devoted to advancing the state of the art in artificial in...
Speech--to--Speech Translation: a Massively ParallelMemory-Based Approach des...