This book describes the biogenic and green synthesis of gold, palladium and platinum nanoparticle...
Bomb calorimeter measures the calorie value of the coal, Benzoic acid. First we make (1gm) pellet...
Silver nanoparticles are nanoparticles of silver which are in the range of 1 and 100 nm in size. ...
This review book describes biogenic and green synthesis of Copper nanoparticles with different me...
The prefix 'nano' is a Greek word 'nanos' which signifying 'dwarf' (one billionth of meter 10-9m)...
This book describes the removal of Malachite Green (MG) dye by Zeolite and Zeolte-Lanthanum Oxide...
Die Vorsilbe 'nano' ist das griechische Wort 'nanos', das 'Zwerg' bedeutet (ein Milliardstel Mete...
Il prefisso 'nano' è una parola greca, 'nanos', che significa 'nano' (un miliardesimo di metro 10...
O prefixo 'nano' é uma palavra grega 'nanos' que significa 'anão' (um bilionésimo de metro 10-9m)...
El prefijo 'nano' es una palabra griega 'nanos' que significa 'enano' (una milmillonésima parte d...
Le préfixe 'nano' est un mot grec 'nanos' qui signifie 'nain' (un milliardième de mètre 10-9m), e...
Diese Übersichtsarbeit beschreibt die biogene und grüne Synthese von Kupfernanopartikeln mit vers...