Exploring a new world can be exciting and rewarding. Ten researchers are trying to unlock the mys...
Abducted, Earthman David Stark is sent to the mines on an alien planet. After escaping and a brie...
Chosen by the Mindgods to liberate the Galaxy from the tyrant Kaloor, David Stark must change to ...
Rob Cameron joins a group of men who have not been changed by the Xandra. If they want to survive...
The Xandra, book 7After fleeing Nu-Eden to escape the lure of the entity who calls herself Xandra...
A subterranean world on Iceworld holds the secret to the future of the humans who have found refu...
When Rob Cameron gets lost in Nu-Eden's jungle, he is saved by a mysterious alien woman, the Xand...
When one of Earth's Exploration ships, carrying colonists sleeping in cryogenic suspension, found...
A group of archaeologists has gone missing on Aregon. Aregon is not part of the Ventairian Empire...