Was man über Giftstoffe, deren Wirkung und Bewertung wissen muss: Zwei erfahrene Toxikologen erkl...
This new book, written by two outstanding scientists in the field, describes the basic principles...
This book considers the exposure levels at which genotoxins pose a risk and describes the cellula...
Much of organic chemistry is based on the ability of suitably structured chemicals to bind togeth...
Ein internationales Expertenteam unter Leitung eines der renommiertesten deutschen Toxikologen be...
Ein internationales Expertenteam unter Leitung eines der renommiertesten deutschen Toxikologen be...
This supplement contains the papers submitted at EUROTOX 88, the joint Congress of the European S...
In this book the editors have brought together the widest group of investigators of the cytochrom...
Provides a complete understanding of how our bodies respond to toxicants, and the principles used...
Provides a complete understanding of how our bodies respond to toxicants, and the principles used...
Was man über Giftstoffe, deren Wirkung und Bewertung wissen muss: Zwei erfahrene Toxikologen erkl...