Based on the world-renowned Babson Entrepreneurship programEntrepreneurship: The Practice...
Generating new ideas that create substantial value is at the very core of entrepreneurship....
Generating new ideas that create substantial value is at the very core of entrepreneurship....
Recipient of a 2021 Textbook Excellence Award from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association (T...
Generating new ideas that create substantial value is at the very core of entrepreneurship. The I...
Building on the success of the first volume of Teaching Entrepreneurship, this second volume feat...
As entrepreneurship education grows across disciplines and permeates through various areas of uni...
'Of course, entrepreneurship can be taught, and this books shows how. Using scholarly research as...
Introduction to Business ignites student engagement and prepares students f...
Introduction to Businessignites student engagement and prepares students for their professional...
Entrepreneurship emphasizes practice and learning through action, helpi...
Introduction to Businessignites student engagement and prepares students for their professional...