Operation Anthropoid ist ein Zweiter-Weltkriegs-Thriller, basierend auf einer wahren Geschichte ü...
A wide-ranging anthology of experimental writing-prose, poetry, and hybrid-from its most signific...
Assertion-based IP is much more than a comprehensive set of related assertions. It is a full-f...
Formal verification is a powerful new digital design method. In this cutting-edge tutorial, two o...
Principles of Verifiable RTL Design: A Functional CodingStyle Supporting Verification Processes...
There is much excitement in the design and verification community about assertion-based design. T...
This Oracle Press guide offers complete coverage of Oracle Solaris 11.2 installation, configurati...
Chapter 3 Specifying RTL Properties 61 3. 1 Definitions and concepts 62 62 3. 1. 1 Property 3. 1....
This book shines unprecedented light on the activity of talent representatives and pr...
System designers, computer scientists and engineers have c- tinuously invented and employed notat...
Contemporary and challenging, this thought-provoking book outlines a number of the key dilemmas i...
Journalist, storyteller, and ragtime piano player Harry L. Foster is back!From a mugging in a Vie...