The main objective of the contributions to this book is to bring together two seemingly different...
This book is written in honour of Paul Demaret, an exceptional academic who has made a significan...
There is agreement in political and academic circles that the European Union needs a common forei...
La libre circulation des personnes désirant exercer une activité économique au sein de l'Union fu...
La question linguistique au sein de l'Union européenne est de nature transversale. Le présent ouv...
There is agreement in political and academic circles that the European Union needs a common forei...
This book is written in honour of Paul Demaret, an exceptional academic who has made a significan...
This book gathers together contributions from thirty-two former and current professors who have, ...
Die Staatsrechtslehre hat die Frage, welche Funktion der Mitwirkung der Glieder im Bundesstaat zu...