Archäologe Michael Stone (Ken Streutker, Sniper 3') hat sein Leben der Suche nach dem mysteriösen...
Groundbreaking in both its content and its presentation, Art Since 1900 has been hailed as a land...
Hal Foster, author of the acclaimed Design and Crime, argues that a fusion of architecture and ar...
A critical primer on artist Richard Serra's work.Richard Serra is considered by many to be the mo...
Hal Foster, author of the acclaimed Design and Crime, argues that a fusion of architecture and ar...
One of the world’s leading art theorists dissects a quarter century of artistic practice Ba...
One of the world's leading art theorists dissects a quarter century of artistic practice.
Junkspace first appeared in the Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping (2001), a ...
"e;Hoy dia uno no necesita ser asquerosamente rico para proyectarse no solo como disenador si...
Uno de los grandes teoricos del arte de nuestros dias analiza el estilo globalizado del arte y la...
"e;The rhythm of the body moving through space has been the motivating source of most of my w...
Surveying the artistic and cultural scene in the era of Trump.