It answers such questions as how the Ottomans understood themselves within their court and in rel...
The Ottoman lands, which extended from modern Hungary to the Arabian peninsula, were home to a va...
This edited volume probes the rosy narrative of tolerance that has long dominated the discussi...
The various strategies as to how the Ottoman sultans and the ruling elite tried to inculcate thei...
Osmanli devlet törenleri 19. yüzyilda büyük bir degisim gecirdi. Bu degisimin en belirgin olarak ...
Recent historical studies on the Ottoman Empire have taken for granted that subjects of the Ottom...
'This brilliantly curated collection of translated sources will open up new and unexpected perspe...
Osmanli Imparatorlugunun cokdinli, cokdilli ve cokuluslu yapisindan bahsedilirken genellikle hosg...