This edited volume addresses the important question of negotiating with terrorists, and offers re...
Rédigé sous l’égide duCollège des Enseignants d’Immunologie (ASSIM), cet ouvrage présente ...
En parfaite conformité avecle programme de DFASM et les ECNi, cet ouvrage rassemble les co...
This edited volume addresses the important issue of negotiating with terrorists, and offers re...
How People Negotiate brings together a set of negotiation stories, accompanied by an integrative ...
This edited volume addresses the important issue of negotiating with terrorists, and offers re...
Most studies of international negotiations take successful talks as their subject. With a few not...
This edited volume addresses the important issue of negotiating with terrorists, and offers recom...
How can an escalation of conflict lead to negotiation? In this systematic study, Zartman and Faur...
How can an escalation of conflict lead to negotiation? In this systematic study, Zartman and Faur...
How People Negotiate brings together a set of negotiation stories, accompanied b...
This edited volume addresses the important issue of negotiating with terrorists, and offers recom...