Nordic Genre Film offers a transnational approach to studying contemporary genre production in No...
Nordic Genre Film offers a transnational approach to studying contemporary genre production in No...
Discussion of Hollywood film has dominated much of the contemporary dialogue on ecocriticism and ...
Until recently, discussion of Hollywood film has dominated much of the contemporary dialogue on e...
The Politics of Nordsploitation takes a transnational approach to exploring Nordic 'exploitation'...
The Politics of Nordsploitation takes a transnational approach to exploring Nordic 'exploitation'...
Swedish society underwent great changes during the first decades of the 1900s and the new consump...
The Rwandan genocide is the second most audio-visually recreated genocide after the Holocaust, wi...
The Rwandan genocide is the second most audio-visually recreated genocide after the Holocaust, wi...
Discussion of Hollywood film has dominated much of the contemporary dialogue on ecocriticism and ...
På Vikbolandet har funnits ett antal Grenadjärtorp varav en del torp var avsedda för kronans Livg...