Brokenwood: 5.000 Einwohner, Tendenz fallend. Die Verbrechen: makaber, einfallsreich und völlig r...
Dem elfjährigen Mick fällt der Umzug auf die einsame Farm seines schroffen Großvaters nicht leich...
Lasst Knochen sprechenEs ist nicht viel, was vom Menschen übrig bleibt - Knochen, Spuren, v...
Intelligent und kraftvoll inszeniert William Boyd in seinem Regiedebüt die Schrecken des Ersten W...
As the tourist industry becomes increasingly important to communities around the world, the need ...
To hold a little microbat in your hand, its body the size of the end of your thumb, is nothing bu...
To hold a little microbat in your hand, its body the size of the end of your thumb, is nothing bu...
As the tourist industry becomes increasingly important to communities around the world, the ne...
This textbook provides an introduction to the concept of sustainability in the context of transpo...
Alike in many aspects of their histories, Australia and the United States diverge in striking way...
As the tourist industry becomes increasingly important to communities around the world, the ne...
Parents and students sacrifice large sums of money for a Christian college education. Why? The...