The reaching tentacles of this new and ghastly crime machine struck at the very heart of a nation...
It is Wentworth himself - the Spider - who is first to feel the dread hand of that Master of Dark...
Over New York had swept the Master's dread Black Police - wiping out the last organized resistanc...
Stripped of his wealth, cut off from his faithful helpers, Richard Wentworth, known and feared th...
While the nation's law enforcement bodies, great and small, engage in all-out action against elem...
With terrible swiftness, the Master of the Green Death had struck. His victims lay in the streets...
Mysterious death, suicide, and madness took uncanny toll of New York's most prominent citizens. O...
Mysterious death, suicide, and madness took uncanny toll of New York's most prominent citizens. O...
Over Manhattan's dizzy towers fell that insidious, invisible menace-an unseen cloud of death that...
Stillness like that of the cold tombs had descended upon America's greatest city, and in that che...
Over New York's Finest-the police organization without equal in the world-fell the blight of luna...
Overnight, a bizarre crime wave had gripped New York, turning America's First Families into crimi...