Reihe SPEKULATIONENMit Beiträgen von Elie Ayache, Amanda Beech, Ray Brassier, Mikko Canini, Chris...
'Die Wissenschaft ist das was Wissen schafft', schrieb Naturphilosoph Johann Wilhelm Ritter 1806....
Die junge Alice fällt durch einen Kaninchenbau ins Wunderland, wo sie Abenteuer mit kuriosen Wese...
Walt Disneys zauberhaftes Meisterwerk Fantasia entführt den Zuschauer in eine einzigartige Welt, ...
Idealism is philosophy on a grand scale, combining micro and macroscopic problems into systematic...
''The whole of modern European philosophy'', wrote F.W.J. Schelling in 1809, ''has this common...
''The whole of modern European philosophy'', wrote F.W.J. Schelling in 1809, ''has this common...
Idealism is philosophy on a grand scale, combining micro and macroscopic problems into systematic...
A survey both of medieval biographical writings, and the problems of recovering medieval lives.
Etienne Balibar writes that today we are at the end of capitalism. This is not because capitalism...
One of the most serious challenges to environmentalism that has emerged in the 1990s is the so-ca...
The World of Failing Machines offers the first full-length discussion of the relation...